Wednesday, April 7, 2010

NASA To Receive Billions To Study Earth, Climate Change

What "MIT professor Richard Lindzen" do you mean? Oh! You're talking about tenured, unfirable corporate Kochsucker Richard Lindzen, who leverages his status at MIT for payola from petroleum-sponsored "think" tanks!

You're talking about that guy, right?

Yeah, well, there is more to science than skepticism, there is also being right. And nobody is preventing Lindzen from being wrong all day long nor from saying untrue things at corporate circle-jerk meetings. Some of his rubbish even gets published in peer-reviewed journals, when he musters a shred of quality.

Science is an open process, and on that count, Lindzen has no complaint, nor have you. But science is not just an open negotiation on matters of opinion, it is a merit-based method of ascertaining facts about reality. And therefore the scientific consensus is important, and the 2.5% of practicing climatologists who still don't get it, or who are paid off to not admit the proven facts, are not relevant to what we consider proven.
About NASA
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


  1. Wow

    You just listed off every cliche that a warmist could muster.

    Ad hom
    Big oil

    Dr. Lindzen is a very kind and honest person, you should email him some time and tell him of your concerns - I am sure if you are polite, he will reply.

    I can send you the latest version of his ERBE Satellite findings - a very interesting read concerning the overall feedbacks in the climate system.

    It is interesting that warmists continue to view big oil, which has made our modern world possible, as the enemy.

    What is it you are really against?

    Best Regards

    E. A. Blair

  2. What I am really against is Lindzen's cheapening of the title "scientist" for the unmerited corporate payoff he receives in exchange for telling lies that he cannot substantiate in the peer-reviewed research.
    The Journal News out of Westchester recently did a story on Dr. Richard Lindzen who they claim "...hasn't conducted any research for oil or coal companies."

    I guess it may be technically correct that Lindzen has never conducted "research" for oil and coal interests, but that of course would depend on how you define "research."

    Here is what we do know about Lindzen's connections to the fossil fuel industry over the years:

    Lindzen charges oil and coal interests $2,500 a day for his consulting services; his 1991 trip to testify before a Senate committee was paid for by Western Fuels, and a speech he wrote, entitled "Global Warming: the Origin and Nature of Alleged Scientific Consensus," was underwritten by OPEC.

    Three skeptics—Lindzen, Michaels, and Balling—were hired as expert witnesses to testify on behalf of Western Fuels Association, a $400 million consortium of coal suppliers and coal-fired utilities.

    No mention of this in the Journal News article. Too bad, as it would have changed the context of the entire piece.

    "I can send you the latest version of his ERBE Satellite findings - a very interesting read concerning the overall feedbacks in the climate system."

    Please do. Post the URL on this page.
