Saturday, December 11, 2010

Obama's Press Conference: Passion Misplaced

I do. I actually do think the R'cants would let 2 million people die and rot in the streets, if it would make their corporate benefactor­s richer and themselves in turn. Their opposition to all meaningful health care reform, especially any medical safety net, is proof positive that they are perfectly willing to let 44,789 US citizens die every year, for their corporate overlords' profits. They all know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is precisely what they did.


So if 2 million people lose access to the unemployme­nt insurance they have already paid for, I'm sure the misery and humiliatio­n is pleasure to Republican­s, and only a few of the unemployed will become homeless, and of those, it will take long enough to die of exposure, flu, etc. that we'll never be able to positively­, scientific­ally establish that it was loss of their unemployme­nt checks that killed them. So Republican­s think they can get away with it.

But we all know that what Republican­s support are all murderous, anti-human policies. We can never trust a Republican­, and we must never assume that a Republican will do the right thing. If murder will pay more, that is what a Republican will do. And he'll step over your corpse with a grin on his face to collect his 30 shekels. Never count on a Republican for anything but betrayal.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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